Boligindretning Program Bolia

What Will I Study?The nursing curriculum will prepare you for licensure as a registered nurse. In addition to hands-on clinical experience, you will be taught how to integrate your Christian faith with professional nursing knowledge and skills, so you will view nursing as your call to minister to those in need. Career-relevant topics you will learn about include:. Administering medication. Medical-surgical nursing care of diverse populations. Clinical application of nursing theory, reasoning and skill.
Introduction to women's health care. Quality health care for the elderly. Research skills to improve nursing practice. Clinical application of nursing skills in the community. Global health issues. Principles of leadership and management.
Inspired by nature, honest materials, fashion, art and music, they launch two annual design collections created by some of the world’s finest designers. Bolia designs furniture based on the Scandinavian design heritage, crafted by honest materials such as FSC-certified wood, IWTO-certified fabrics and traceable leather. Ntomba and Lia are closely related Bantu languages of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, close enough to be considered dialects of a single Lia-Ntomba language. The related Mongo language also has varieties called Ntomba or Ntumba.
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Attending Biola as both a nursing and music performance student allowed me to glean from a host of professors and peers that have lived out their faith in a variety of professions. The personal and spiritual growth that I experienced from my time at Biola has empowered me to share Christ’s love with others regardless of whether I am giving medications to a patient in the ER, playing my viola in church or assisting in compiling the district reports of teenage pregnancy and newly acquired HIV infections in an African village. Career PathsAs a highly skilled and technically competent nurse who is prepared to take the licensure exam, you will be prepared to impact the world for Jesus Christ in areas such as hospital and home care, public health services, schools and missions. As a registered nurse (RN), rewarding career options include:. Medical/surgical hospital staff nurse. Travel RN. Labor and delivery nurse.
Nursing case manager. Beginning level nurse researcher. Home health care or hospice nurse. School nurse. Missionary nurse. With further education, you could become a nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, nurse manager, nurse-mid-wife, or educator for nursing students.