Finacle Banking Software User Manual
Finacle core banking solution is an agile business solution designed to address all core needs of a bank, and provide a hassle-free banking experience to customers. Driven by operational efficiencies of a modern core banking software. Download the case study. Traditional Automation Levers. Rules based STP. Finacle Corporate Banking is a.
Punjab National Bank– Finacle 10.x End User Training Manual Punjab National BankFinacleImplementation Project - Finacle End User Training Manual 1Punjab National Bank– Finacle 10.x End User Training Manual Table of Contents1. OVERVIEW OF FINACLE – A CORE BANKING SOLUTION. LOGIN TO FINACLE. SSO (SINGLE SIGN ON). USER MAINTENANCE (In FINCORE). LIST OF SCHEME TYPES IN FINACLE.
ASSET CLASSIFICATION. 156 2Punjab National Bank– Finacle 10.x End User Training Manual28. FORWARD CONTRACT.
GENERAL INQURIES RELATED TO CUSTOMER / ACCOUNT. 213 3Punjab National Bank– Finacle 10.x End User Training Manual 1. OVERVIEW OF FINACLE – A CORE BANKING SOLUTIONFinacle is an integrated, web centric, enterprise banking system designed toprovide the 'e platform' for the global banking industry.This complete web-enabled solution is a centralized, multi-currency, multi-lingual,functionally Rich solution that addresses the retail and corporate banking requirements.Anywhere, AnytimeBanking is possible through Finacle.Centralised Database:The data of all the branches covered under the project willbestored at one place called Data Centre. In effect, it means that all the operations atthe connected branches shall take place at one place i.e., Data Centre.Enhanced Security features can be implemented as Server is located at one placeandaccess control can be effectively managed on need to know basis.Back Office functions: The branches which will be called Service Outlets(SOLs),Finacle Software will not need to take backup as the same will be done at DataCentre. Many of the back office functions will be handled at Data Centre only.Effective MIS: As the data of all connected branches shall be located at oneCentralisedlocation, the MIS information can be extracted without the same beingprovided by branches.
The branches can be spared the burden of providing informationby way of returns/reports etc.Integration with Core Module: Integration of CRM, Loans Originating System, e-Channel (various facilitates delivery channels like Internet Banking, ATMs etc.) with theCore Software.This Software is functionally rich and caters to almost all the facets of banking. Some ofthe salient features of the Software are as follows: Every customer of the branch is now a customer of the bank, as all the customers will have unique customer ID across the bank. The Software encompasses all the retail functionalities like Savings, Current, Cash Credit, Overdraft, Term Deposits, Term Loans, and Safe Deposit Vault etc.
The security features include Maker-Checker Concept, Audit Trail etc. Business can be leveraged to suit ever-changing needs like introduction of pooled accounts, commercial loans, loan syndication, multi-currency etc. Trade Finance module includes Inland/Foreign Bills, Documentary Credits, Guarantees, Remittances, shipment Credits and Forward Contracts. 4Punjab National Bank– Finacle 10.x End User Training Manual Customer Relationship Module (CRM) - Loans Originating System (LOS) supports initiating account opening process at the backend. E-Channel to support various delivery channels like Internet Banking, ATMs etc. LOGIN TO FINACLE Double Click on Internet Explorer Icon.
The following screen will appear: The userId and password are case sensitive.Type your User-ID against the User Name block and press or TABType your Password and click on Login box. Upon successful login, the followingscreen will appear: 5Punjab National Bank– Finacle 10.x End User Training ManualThe user has to enter the initial password and then the new password and confirm thesame.The minimum requirements for the password should be: 1. Minimum 7 characters long 2.
Maximum 17 Characters long 3. The password should necessarily have any three of the following types: I. Lower or Upper Case Alphabet, II. Atleast one Numeric Character and III. At least one Special Character. This new password should not be any of the previous 18 passwords.
This password can be changed only after 28 days. This new password will expire after 60 days.The user has to log out of the system and then login to the application with the newpassword.The user has to click on the Finacle Core banking button and once the user clicks onthe core banking button then the following screen is displayed:NEVER USE THE BACK BUTTON ON THE BROWSER AFTER LOGGING IN. IT WILL TAKE YOUOUT OF THE LOGIN SESSION.User should select the MODULE name from drop drown to which one has to work on.For accessing to different operations within SSO framework the user should have been 6Punjab National Bank– Finacle 10.x End User Training Manualgiven access rights to Administration.The system displays the logged in user id on the right hand top corner. It also displaysbrief details of the Password expiry, last login information of the user.To logout from the application, the user has to click on link. 7Punjab National Bank– Finacle 10.x End User Training Manual 3. SSO (SINGLE SIGN ON)Single sign on framework enables the application users to access multiple applicationsthrough a single login id and password.
All the login related validations happen in SSO.Single Sign on (SSO) framework enables application users of Finacle suite of products(Finacle Core and CRM) to log in once and get authenticated to each application forwhich the user has the valid user id and access permissions.SSO being an authentication framework that works with unique user ID, would use onlyone schema and database even when each Finacle solution integrated in SSO couldwork with multiple schemas. Entity ID‟s would be stored in SSO database by theFinacle Installer as seed data. In SSO database, User would be mapped to an entity ID.The sequence of processes is given below: Role Definition Password policy configuration User Creation Assigning of Roles to the users SSO profile creation Assigning Access rights to SSO administration and applications Creating user profile for the application Password changes for a user User id management(Resetting login attempts, login attempts and password changes) Report generation(Audit, User and Role based reports) 1. MaintainRoledetails:PERMISSIONS: 8Punjab National Bank– Finacle 10.x End User Training ManualPermissions can be defined for Role, User creation, Resource and Passwordconfiguration functions of SSO.This enables the user to define the privileges available to the user with the specifiedRole. Permissions can be defined for Role, User, Resource and Password configurationfunctions of SSO. The tabs available within Administration tab are dependent on thesepermissions.
To get access to a specific tab at least one of the functions within eachprocess should have been checked. Maintain User details:Maintain Role detailsCreation of user/Role/Resource can be done through SSO Admin only at data centreMaximum Inactive Time: Specified in minutes. Maximum is 999 minutes.
For Example, Based on the input from load and stress testing banking applications can decide to add more resources to their application during peak business hours and reduce the resources during off business hours. This helps the bank to make optimum use of resources and save money. #6) Security TestingSecurity Testing is usually the last stage in the testing cycle. A prerequisite to commencing security testing is the completion of functional and non-functional testing. Security testing is one of the major stages in the entire Application testing cycle as this stage ensures that application complies with Federal and Industry standards.Due to the nature of the data they carry, banking apps are very sensitive and are a prime target for hackers & fraudulent activities. Security testing makes sure that the application does not have any such web vulnerability that can expose sensitive data to an intruder or an attacker.
It also assures that the application complies with standards like OWASP.In this stage, the major task is the whole application scan which is carried out using tools like or (these are the most popular tools).Once the scan is completed, the Scan Report is published. @gayathri,Hi!!You will face the following issues.1) You will be considered as a 6 year experienced and the level of questions asked in the interview will be too high.Three month of course will give you just an overview of basic testing concepts.The actual testing process is way too different.2) In case you crack the interview and get a job you will not be given any kind of training.The expectations will be too highand it will be difficult to meet those expectations.What i suggest is don’t show 6 years of experience. Make it to max 2 or 1.8.It will be pretty easy for you to face the interviewYou might get less package in the beginning but surely this will give you an opportunity to gain knowledge.Thanks!!!.
SI No Internet Banking1 Verify the bank website URL.2 Verify if the bank website URL has HTTPS on the address bar and in the URL.3 Verify if the bank website login page does not appear forged.4 Verify if the bank login page has username and password.5 Verify the username and password are being accepted or not.6 Verify that user with invalid password is not allowed to login.7 Verify that if either of the username or password is blank, user is not allowed to login. Banks and FinTech firms today have geared up to implement effective digital strategies to enhance the overall banking experience. However, the financial services industry juggles multiple priorities within its technology function.
What they need is Automation and:1. Speed of change2. Complexity of environment3. Frequency of change/ deployment4.
Digital transformationIn 2019 Why QA Automation Matters: With most financial organizations moving towards continuous delivery and agile based development models, the frequency of testing increases.