Gravograph Is6000 Manual
Acces PDF Hermes Is6000 Manual Hermes Is6000 Manual As recognized, adventure as capably as experience just about lesson, amusement, as skillfully as treaty can be gotten by just checking out a books hermes is6000 manual plus it is not directly. Download software powtoon untuk laptop download. Gravograph IS6000 Engraving machine Demo of a IS6000 engraving a plastic plaque.
Product information.The New Choice That Offers Simple,Ergonomic OperationsThe IM/IS6000 was designed with the operator in mind. At a first glance, you will notice all mailing operations are controlled from the same area, creating an ideal ergonomic workspace. The modular and flexible design of this system allows operators to adjust and place components within an arm’s reach, minimizing the range of motion, providing optimal workflow and comfort. The height adjustable 15' touch screen moves backward and forward, swivels left and right, and moves up and down, providing a comfortable working environment for all of the operators using this system. All screens display large descriptive buttons and prompts, making navigation a breeze.
Cool shades of blue minimize eye strain and fatigue. Operators can create rate shortcuts, rate favorites, and customized menu keys, all on the home screen, which help increase operational efficiency. The added comfort of a full keyboard makes account or department set up/usage, and custom text messaging on the envelope easy. Processing mail utilizing E-Services is done with ease. A dedicated workspace under the screen provides an additional area for sorting and preparing mail.The New Choice that Delivers Reliable Productionand Maximum UptimeLet’s face it. Business today isn’t what it was yesterday. Meeting the demands of your mail processing center can be tough.
Whether you are adhering to time critical deadlines or changes in your daily routine, the bottom line is the work must get done. You need a durable and reliable workhorse that is going to deliver.
With an overall weight of more than 200 lbs., the IM/IS6000 is always ready for the challenge. Combining best in class ergonomics with a finely engineered machine, the IM/IS6000 has what it takes to maximize throughput including:. High Capacity Envelope Feeder with reload on the fly capability. With a stacking capacity of more than 7', and the ability to add additional items as the machine is running, operators will decrease the number of machine starts and stops, leading to increased productivity. True Mixed Mail Feeding saves time preparing your mail for processing.
No more manual sorting, the IM/IS6000 can handle varying size items up to.8' thickness.