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Expected behavior. Ability to add root certificates in a persistent manner.Actual behavior $ docker pull cough:5000/whateverError response from daemon: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority`docker run -t -i -rm -v /etc:/mnt/etc -w /mnt/etc alpine sh can be used to update /etc/ssl/certs as if update-ca-certificates had been run, but:. it doesn't help Docker. it disappears after restartSimilarly, dropping certificates into /etc/docker/certs.d under the /mnt doesn't help.
Playlist the very best of suicidal tendencies rare. 15 hours ago.
InformationDiagnostic ID: 4168FFD0-2A6A-4390-B7B7-22F705F5FD3FDocker for Mac: 1.12.0-a (Build 11213)macOS: Version 10.11.6 (Build 15G31)OK docker-cliOK appOK moby-syslogOK diskOK virtualizationOK systemOK menubarOK osxfsOK dbOK slirpOK moby-consoleOK logsOK vmnetdOK envOK mobyOK driver.amd64-linux. We're all on the same team.A scheme for persistent SSL certs is fairly high up our priority list. Arethese root certs in your Mac keychain (or could they be stored there?)We're considering automatically importing root certs present on thekeychain into Moby.On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 1:03 PM, kitsushadowwrote:The reference indicates docker for windows. Is the team working Docker forMac and Docker for Windows one and the same?Also How far down the roadmap is this? It is critical functionality insecure workspaces.—You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mutethe thread. The document you've provided says Starting with Docker for Mac 1.12.1, 2016-09-16 (stable). I have a fresh docker installation on my Mac (1.12.1 build 12133) and I have our enterprise sertificate imported into Keychain and marked as 'always trust'.
@justinhj running docker swarm init works fine on Docker for Mac and Windows and you can use the new swarm-mode features (eg. Service create). If you want to test multi-node 1.12 swarms, I recommend using docker-machine (available in Docker for Mac) to create a couple VMs (or machines that you otherwise have access to) and form them into a swarm.
But I still do not have an ability to download a docker image from our private TLS-secured registry because of the x509: certificate signed by unknown authority error.Is the linked document wrong or it is a bug in the latest docker build? Or maybe there are some special (unspecified) requirements on cert importing?Any information on this topic will be highly appreciated.
Zapier, a web-based service that allows end users to integrate the web applications they use, is built on connecting the disconnected. The company has earned accolades for successfully operating with a 100% remote workforce and no office — a business model that allows Zapier to hire the best talent wherever they live. Their 210+ employees unite on Slack.
“We have employees in Australia, Thailand, Europe, India, the Philippines, pretty much everywhere that you can imagine, and it's been really critical that we have good, solid tools to make sure communication is happening across the org,” says Cody Jones, Head of Partnerships. “Slack is the way we get business done. Period.”
Interactive screen sharing, which allows Slack call participants to click, scroll, type, and even mark up what's being shared from the presenter's screen, anchors Zapier’s operations. It’s critical to their pairing sessions — two engineers or support members a world apart can share a screen with multiple cursors and problem solve together.
'We often find two minds work better than one,” says Jones. “Slack's interactive screen sharing has enabled a pair of programmers sitting thousands of miles away to simultaneously code. It also allows multiple members of our team to jump into a support ticket and work together to resolve it.'
“Slack is really the backbone of what we do, it's the ‘I need an answer right now’, type of communication. Slack is primarily the way that business gets done at Zapier.”