Jai Shri Krishna Greeting

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Jai Swaminarayan (also spelled Jay Swaminarayan) (Devnagari: जय स्वमिनाराय) is a notable religious term used in the Swaminarayan Sampraday for both ritual and social purposes. It is used not only as a 'hello' but also as a 'goodbye'. The idea being any thing you say or start, has to start with the God's name. People from this sect of Swaminarayan use it to start a phone conversation and end it. They use it to begin and end the congregation. People following other faiths use their own god's name for e.g. Jai Sri Krishna or Jai Ganesha. The literal meaning of the term is, 'Hail Swaminarayan.' Within the Swaminarayan Sampraday, the term is used as a greeting.[1] Presently this term is used in daily puja rituals worldwide at the Swaminarayan Sampraday.[2][3]


  1. ^Jay SwaminarayanArchived 2007-11-17 at the Wayback Machine Swaminarayan Satsang
  2. ^A New Face of Hinduism: The Swaminarayan Religion, by Raymond Brady Williams Cambridge University Press
  3. ^Shastriji Maharaj, by Kishore Mahipatram Dave, Kiśora Mahipatarāma Dave Bochasanvasi Shri Akshapurushottam Sanstha

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NAMASKARNamaskar and Namaste are not just greetings. They are a denial of one's ego andare an affirmation of one's faith.The traditional form of greeting in India is based on a profoundphilosophy of non-arrogance or negation of ego.NAMASKAR is made of three words:NAMAH + OM + KAR = NAMASKARNAMAH literally translated meansNOT ME. It is a negation of one's identity and hence of one's egoor arrogance.OM is the sound of life.It is believed that to begin with there was only the sound of OMand the whole world evolved from it.

OMis used often in meditation. The whole cosmos is summed upin word OM.KAR means shape/form of ormanifestation of.

OMKARhence means manifestation of OM.OMKAR means the whole of UNIVERSE / COSMOS. The totality of theUniverse is like a System taken as a whole without dividing it intodivisions and sub-divisions. OMKARcan be called by various names such asBRAHMA, SHIVA etc.

In a way,OMKAR is similar but not identical to GOD.OMKAR is omnipresentand omnipotent. Though OMKARmay take a human form but OMKARis not necessarily human.The above interpretation of NAMASKAR as NAMAH + OMKAR has been questionedby some experts on the ground that the disappearance of the sound of O isinexplicable. Grammatically speaking, the objection seems tenable, eventhough the above interpretation is popularly accepted.

In view of thisobjection, the following interpretation is proposed.NAMASKAR is made of three words:NAM + AS + KAR = NAMASKARNAM is the root form ofNAMAH and has the same meaningas NAMAH - NOT ME.AS means 'To Be' or 'To Exist'.Another word derived from the same root is Astitvawhich means existence.KAR means doer orone who makes or creates. For example, KARcan be seen in the words Kalakar, Chitrakar,Karmkar, Charmkar. In the above words, the suffixkar leads to the meaning of one whocreates art or painting or work or leather.ASKAR would hence mean thethe creator of all that exists or the one who causes the property ofbeing or existence.NAMASTE is also used as agreeting.Namaste is made of twowords: NAMAH + TE = NAMASTEIn Sanskrit, Te meansthey. The literal meaning of NAMASTEhence is 'Not me, they'. The word they refers to all the Gods.NAMASTE is hence a philosophicalstatement affirming that the doer of everything is not me butthe Gods.In Oriental culture a greeting is an affirmation of one's belief andis a recitation of the name of the Lord, as one sees Him.

The utteranceof the name of the Lord is said to be sufficient to make theday / morning / evening good for both the persons - the personconveying greetings and the person receiving greetings. Some examplesare as follows:RAM-RAM orJAI SHRI KRISHNAor HARE KRISHNAor JAI SHRI RAMor JAI SIYA RAMare some of the common greetings in Hindus. All of them havename of a deity and either proclaim the victory of the said deityor declare the said deity to be GOD.Sikhs say SAT SHRI AKAL,which means that Truth is the God and is timeless. Sikhs alsosay WAHE GURUJI KA KHALSA, WAHE GURUJI KI FATEH.This is a declaration that the ultimate victory willbe of the Guru and his followers.Muslims say KHUDA HAFIZ,which means Khuda is the Protector.In all the above Oriental Greetings, persons exchanginggreetings, invoke a principle or thought or belief, which formsa bondage between the persons.

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In no case, does one make a directwish to the other. Both persons start with a common premisewhich is generally a negation of their own egos and identities.Their individual egos and identities are submerged in the identityof Larger than Life Reality which both persons accept as sacred.Being a part of the same larger than Life Reality, gives a senseof oneness and is the beginning of a harmonious relationship.While wishing you NAMASKAR,Samarth Bharat proclaims a complete absence of arrogance. Weaccept that we are virtually nobodies while the Cosmos is theUltimate Being.

We see ourself in mathematical terms as'Limit tending to Zero' while the Cosmos is all pervading andis infinite. We see ourself as a part of this Infinite. The realityis this infinity and role of each one of us is only a small beepon this time-space continuum.Samarth Bharat would like to hear from you aNamaskaror Namaste orKhuda Hafiz orSat Shri Akal orany other greeting (as you like).