Psychiatry Clerkship Study Guide
Tips on doing well on your Psychiatry rotation Ditch the white coat. Well, don't ditch it right away but, most likely, your residents and attendings will not be wearing a white coat as it automatically creates a power dynamic between physician and patient.
Best Books for the Psychiatry Shelf (and a deeper dive for Step 2 CK) Best Books for the Psychiatry ShelfFor the Shelf:This was one of the most helpful books I used all of third year. The background information sets a solid foundation.
I read it once cover-to-cover and then again, focusing on making my own notes from the DSM criteria. I would then study my own notes, focusing on the differences between certain disorders (time frames in schizophrenia vs brief psychotic disorder or mood disorder with psychotic features vs schizoaffective disorder).For Step 2 CK:I had gone through this text twice during my Psychiatry Clerkship, which was over a year prior to my Step 2 CK date. During my last week of preparation, I found it useful to skim the DSM criteria (which is highlighted in boxes) of one more time and I think it paid off with behavioral questions being one of my highest.Other essentials:The usual suspects, UWorld and OME.
I also found it worthwhile to go through NBMEs subject tests for psychiatry as there were some topics not covered in UW but were in the NBMEs and on my shelf.Deeper dives:For additional questions:If you want to make sure you see everything that will be on the shelf, + UW + OME + Lange will cover your bases. Not essential, but helpful if you have the extra time or you really want a +90 on the shelf.Toxicology Resource:Toxic ingestions is one big area that is not emphasized in First Aid for psychiatry but definitely shows up on the shelf. If you are a visual learner (aka loved Sketchy series), I would recommend It has several pictures for toxidromes as well as pictures for common withdrawal and overdose. Would be a great addition for anyone going into EM as well and wants help knowing these like the back of their hand.This is probably the go-to pocket reference for the psychiatrist-to-be if you need a quick to grab resource. Awesome reference book for the wards, so I would strongly recommend it for any psychiatry sub-I.⇉ Other helpful resources.
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The study resources featured on this blog such as the study schedules and Anki tips are free to use, as I know what it is like to be a student living on a fixed budget. To support this blog, please consider using the links above to make any Amazon purchases you may need during your prep, as commission is made through any purchases made through the affiliate links on this blog. Step 2 CK Study guide is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. If you would like to support the blog and its content, please press share below! Note: Everything on this blog is for informational purposes only and reflects solely my individual views and opinions.
Today’s inane image of the day: The books I used to study for my Surgery clerkship and shelf exam.Entry Last Updated: 4/17/2018 Spring/Summer marks a time of transitions in medical training. June 10, 2015 at 5:41 pmAn MD is the medical degree obtained in the U.S. After 4 years of medical school (which you can only attain acceptance to after you obtain an undergraduate Bachelor’s degree). No one in the U.S.
Can practice medicine without completing residency training – thus, a recent MD graduate cannot perform surgeries without supervision until completing residency training. An MBBS is the medical degree equivalent in the U.K. – I do not know the details of training in the U.K. So I would recommend asking someone who is more familiar with their requirements!.