Oracle 11g Hr Schema Script Download
Serial graphics adapter software. This cable provides high quality serial connections at a data transfer rate of up to 500 kbps.FEATURES.SUPPORTS THE RS-232 SERIAL INTERFACE (Standard 9-pin serial).BUS POWERED.USB SUSPEND CONDITION.SUPPORTS 500 KBPS DATA TRANSFER RATE.FCC & CE COMPLIANT.SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS:.Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7, 8 and 10.Mac OS X v10.1-10.8.INCLUDES:.(1) USB to Serial Power Adapter.(1) Driver CD.(1) User Manual.
. Script Name HR Objects and Data For Live SQL.
If you have dropped the sample schemas from Oracle9i or Oracle 10g. Download the 8i sample schema scripts to your machine and extract them to a directory on your machine. Use the HR user for the Human Resources schema or the OE user for the Order Entry schema.
Description This script will create a the HR Sample Schema objects and data in your local schema. If you want just query-only, you can instead use the HR sample schema by referencing hr.regions, etc.
To drop the objects once created, you can run 'Drop HR Sample Schema' -Please note that this schema was initially created in 2000 and last updated March 19, 2015 so the constructs are not necessarily what we would recommend today. Area SQL General. Contributor Oracle. Created Wednesday June 27, 2018.
Copyright begindbmsoutput.putline('Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. HR.EMPLOYEES has a self referencing foreign key to this table.EMPLOYEES table holds the employee personnel information for the company. HR.JOBS, HRDEPARTMENTS, and HR.EMPLOYEES have a foreign key to this table.JOBHISTORY table holds the history of jobs that employees have held in the past. EMPDETAILSVIEW joins the employees, jobs, departments, jobs, countries, and locations table to provide details about employees.
Table NameDescriptionACCOUNTThe table saves the bank accounts.